A Study on the Priority of Autonomous Driving Service Requirements for the Transportation Vulnerable : Focusing on Wheelchair disabled and Walking disabled Persons
The development of autonomous driving technology is expected to bring about a major change in the mobility rights of the transportation vulnerable. It is very important to identify user requirements in developing autonomous vehicles and service technologies for the transportation vulnerable. User requirements were derived for the wheelchair disabled and the walking disabled. Through focus interviews, a total of 58 requirements were derived for wheelchair-using disabled people and 53 requirements for walking disabled people. A Kano survey was conducted on 33 wheelchair disabled and 34 walking disabled. After that, the quality types of functional requirements in terms of autonomous vehicles and service environment development were analyzed using the Kano model. Priority analysis was conducted on the functions required by the wheelchair disabled and the walking disabled. The results of this study can be used as basic data to determine the priorities of user function requirements in the early stages of autonomous vehicle and service technology development.
1. 서론
2. 기존 연구
2.1 자율주행차량의 요구사항 분석 연구
2.2 Kano 모형을 이용한 우선순위 분석 연구
2.3 기존 연구와의 차별성
3. 사용자 요구사항 도출 및 Kano 설문 조사
3.1 사용자 요구사항 도출
3.2 Kano 모형을 이용한 설문 구성
3.3 Kano 설문 조사
4. Kano 모형 적용 결과
4.1 휠체어 이용 장애인 대상 Kano 분석
4.2 보행 장애인 대상 Kano 분석 결과
4.3 일원적 품질 측면에서 두 그룹의 차이점
5. 휠체어 이용 장애인과 보행장애인의 사용자 요구사항 우선순위 비교
5.1 우선순위 도출
5.2 자율주행 차량 개발 측면에서의 사용자 우선순위 비교 결과
5.3 서비스 환경 측면에서의 사용자 우선순위 비교 결과
5.4 향후 활용 방안
6. 결론