

The Effect of Absorptive Capacity on Technology Collaboration Performance: Focusing on the Moderating Roles of Innovation Intermediaries


Hyungju Lee, Geonil Ko, Namjae Cho

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to analyze the effect of absorptive capacity on technology collaboration performance and the moderating effect of innovation intermediaries. We set absorptive capacity (potential, realized) as independent variables and technology collaboration performance (relative technology level, development period, cost savings, new product development, collaboration satisfaction) as dependent variables, with innovation intermediaries as a moderating variable. We conducted a survey of 145 ICT companies that experienced technology collaboration and analyzed the data using 101 valid responses. The results show that potential absorptive capacity has a significant effect on new product development and collaboration satisfaction, while realized absorptive capacity has a significant effect on relative technology level, cost savings, and new product development. Furthermore, innovation intermediaries have a moderating effect between realized absorptive capacity and new product development. The contribution of this study to academia and industry is that it highlights absorptive capacity as a key factor influencing technology collaboration performance. The limitations of this study include the lack of accurate measurement of absorptive capacity and innovation intermediaries, as well as a lack of control over external factors. These limitations should be addressed through more in-depth research by systematically defining and measuring them in future follow-up studies.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
2.1 Absorptive Capacity
2.2 Technology Collaboration Performance
2.3 Innovation Intermediaries
3. Research Model and Hypotheses
3.1 Operational definition and Measurement of variables
4. Methods and Data Collection
5. Results
5.1 Validity and Reliability Analysis
5.2 Correlation Analysis
5.3 Multiple Regression Analysis
5.4 Moderating Effect Analysis
6. Conclusion


  • Hyungju Lee School of Business, Hanyang University / Technology Commercialization Division, ETRI
  • Geonil Ko chool of Business, Hanyang University / Technology Commercialization Division, ETRI
  • Namjae Cho Professor, School of Business, Hanyang University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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