l arranged materials on the origin of our contemporary national land formation. At the time 0f Japan’s colonization between 11.1918 and 3.1910(8 years and 8 months), Japan surveyed 4.33 millions jeongbo(429,400,000㎡) of land, land owner, land number, cadastre(land registration), land location, land image and land boundary. Then it registered them on the registration book to recognize them their land. From Japan’s colonization era to us military rule, what was the most similar to government property was enemy owned housing. the enemy housing was enemy property. The defeated japan’s asset and its people asset also was called “vested property”(belonged to Japan). According to the first agreement on finance and property signed by Korea- us government, the vested property was Japanese property such as Japanese corporation and government agency property. It contanined most property tranfered to Korea before 8.15. 1945, which formed Korean asset. Korean government converted its property contracted for sale until 12.1964 to government property on 1.1.1965. In 1968 the Korean government nationalized it by special measures law (article 2, law) on agricultural land reform. Undistributed agricultural land owned by government 3.13.1968 was registered as government property. Afterward due to policy focused on management, only 8% in government asset(which amount for 25,3% of national land)is being used as rest or low utilization, not used effectively.
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구목적
2. 연구범위 및 방법
Ⅱ. 선행연구
Ⅲ. 근・현대 토지정책
1. 조선시대
2. 일제강점기와 미군정청
3. 대한민국 광복시기
4. 정부수립 후 토지제도 변천
Ⅳ. 광복 전‧후 국유지 형성
1. 토지 원시취득 시점 마련
2. 농지개혁으로 국유지 증가
3. 토지정책의 변천 흐름
4. 토지이용계획 및 도시계획제도
5. 2010년 중반 이전의 부동산정책
Ⅴ. 시사점 및 문제점
1. 시사점
2. 문제점
Ⅵ. 결론