

Research Papers

Release Characteristics of Fission Gases with Spent Fuel Burn-up during the Voloxidation and OREOX Processes


사용후핵연료의 연소도 변화에 따른 산화 및 OREOX 공정에서 핵분열기체 방출 특성

Geun IL Park, Kwang Hun Cho, Jung Won Lee, Jang Jin Park, Myung Seung Yang, Kee Chan Song

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Quantitative analysis on release behavior of the fission gases from the spent fuel material during the voloxidation and OREOX process has been performed. This thermal treatment step in a remote fabrication process to fabricate the dry-processed fuel from spent fuel has been used to obtain a fine powder The fractional release percent of fission gases from spent fuel materials with burn-up ranges from 27,000 MWd/tU to 65,000 MWd/tU have been evaluated by comparing the measured data with these initial inventories calculated by ORIGEN code. The release characteristics of fission gases during the voloxidation process at seem to be closely linked to the degree of conversion efficiency of powder, and it is thus interpreted that the release from grain-boundary would be dominated during this step. The high release fraction of the fission gas from an oxidized powder during the OREOX process would be due to increase both in the gas diffusion at a temperature of in a reduction step and in U atom mobility by the reduction. Therefore, it is believed that the fission gases release inventories in the OREOX step come from the inter-grain and inter-grain on matrix. It is shown that the release fraction of fission gases during the voloxidation step would be increased as fuel burn-up increases, ranging from 6 to 12%, and a residual fission gas would completely be removed during the OREOX step. It seems that more effective treatment conditions for a removal of volatile fission gas are of powder formation by the oxidation in advance than the reduction of spent fuel at the higher temperature.


사용후핵연료의 건식 재가공을 위한 핵연료 원격 제조공정중 분말제조를 위한 산화 및 OREOX(산화 환원공정)열처리 공정으로부터 및 핵분열기체의 방출거동을 정량적으로 평가하였다. 특히 사용후핵연료의 평균 연소도가 범위내에서 연소도 변화에 따른 핵분열기체의 방출 분율은 측정한 실험결과와 ORIGEN 코드로부터 계산된 초기 inventory를 상호 비교하여 구하였다. 1차 산화공정(voloxidation)에서 및 의 시간에 따른 방출거동은 핵연료의 으로의 분말화 정도와 밀접한 관련이 있는 것으로 보이며, 입계(grain-boundary)에 분포된 핵분열기체가 대부분 방출되는 것으로 여겨진다. 산화분말을 이용한 OREOX 공정으로부터 핵분열기체의 높은 방출율은 의 환원공정에서 온도 증가에 의한 기체 확산 및 으로의 환원에 의한 U 원자 이동성 증가에 의존하며 주로 inter-grain 및 intra-grain에 분포된 핵분열기체가 방출된 것으로 판단된다. 일차 산화공정시 및 핵분열기체의 방출 분율은 핵 연료 연소도가 증가함에 따라 높게 나타났고 방출 분율 범위는 총 inventory의 정도며, 산화분말의 OREOX 공정처리시 잔류 핵분열기체 대부분이 방출되는 것으로 보인다. 아울러 사용후핵 연료로부터 핵분열기체의 제거를 위해서는 고온 환원분위기보다는 산화에 의한 분말화가 더 효과적인 것으로 여겨진다.


 I. 서론
 II. 실험
  가. 핵분열기체 방출거동 실험장치
  나. 사용후핵연료 시험시편
 III. 결과 및 고찰
  가. Voloxidation공정 및 원자로 중대사고시 핵분열기체 방출거동
  나. 사용후핵연료의 연소도별 산화(Voloxidation)에 의한 분말화 특성
  다. 일차 산화공정(Voloxidation)에서 ⁸⁵Kr 및 ¹⁴C 방출 거동
  라. OREOX 공정에서 ⁸⁵Kr 및 ¹⁴C 방출 거동
  마. 열처리 분위기에 따른 ⁸⁵Kr 및 ¹⁴C 방출 거동
 IV. 결론
 감사의 글


  • Geun IL Park 박근일. 한국원자력연구소
  • Kwang Hun Cho 조광훈. 한국원자력연구소
  • Jung Won Lee 이정원. 한국원자력연구소
  • Jang Jin Park 박장진. 한국원자력연구소
  • Myung Seung Yang 양명승. 한국원자력연구소
  • Kee Chan Song 송기찬. 한국원자력연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 1(1995) A Summary of ORNL Fission Product Release Tests with Recommended Release Rates and Diffusion Coefficients,
  • 2(2005) Fission Products Release in the First Two PHEBUS Tests FPT0 and FPT1,
  • 3(2002) Decrease of Cesium Release from Irradiated UO2 Fuel in Helium Atmosphere under Elevated Pressure of 1.0 MPa at Temperature up to 2,773 K,
  • 4(1993) Conceptual study on the DUPIC fuel manufacturing technology Proc. Int. Conf. and Technology Exhibition on Future Nuclear System,
  • 5(1999) Development of manufacturing equipment and QC equipment for DUPIC fuel,
  • 6(2005) Remote Fabrication and Irradiation Test of Recycled Nuclear Fuel Prepared by the Oxidation and Reduction of Oxide Fuel,
  • 7(2003) 사용후핵연료의 전기화학적 금속전환을 위한 5 kg U3O8/Batch 규모의 Mock-up 시험,
  • 8(1980) Voloxidation Studies with UO2 Reactor Fuels National Topical Meeting Fuel Cycles for the 80'S,
  • 9(1985) Oxidation of UO2 at 400 to 1 000 ℃ in Air and Its Relevance to Fission Product Release,
  • 10(1980) Fission Product Release from Highly Irradiated LWR Fuel,

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