

중국 대학입시제도 개혁의 시행과 과제


Results and Challenges of University Entrance Examination System Reform in China

정애란, 김종혁

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to examine the reform of the 2014 university entrance examination system announced by the Chinese Ministry of Education, analyze the results conducted in 14 regions, and explore their achievements and future challenges. China's university entrance examination is an important tool for realizing higher education. It is a national event that attracts the attention of more than 10 million students and their families. It has been reorganized several times according to the needs of the state and is still in progress. In particular, the Chinese State Council announced the "Deeping the Reform of Examination and Enforcement System" in 2014 and started a new system. Unlike before, this plan required fundamental changes in high school education and extensive changes such as recruitment, evaluation, and enrollment of students at universities. The Chinese Ministry of Education has set up a plan to be implemented one after another for 10 years because the scope of this plan is very wide for high schools and universities. In 2014, the first pilot was conducted in two regions, and it is planned to be divided into five and implemented in 39 regions by 2025. The following new systems have been launched: academic probability test, shift class system, comprehensive quality assessment, changes in the selection of test subjects such as ‘3+1’ and ‘3+1+2’, improvement of application methods, and diversification of admission process. The reform plan is positively considered to have made a change in the new educational ecosystem by promoting connections with new exam systems, curriculums, and textbooks. However, there are still many challenges to be solved. For them, continuous and scientific research is required to reduce the difference between theoretical research and practical demonstration.


  • 정애란
  • 김종혁


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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