

영상작품 속에서의 시간성과 공간성, 그 표현 방식


How to Direct Time and Space in Video Works


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper explores and analyzes the depiction of time and space among various works. It is very tricky and difficult to create a concrete scene in a new dimension of space, rather than the abstract concepts of time and specific place. First, before looking at specific scenes in the work, I looked for the theoretical meaning of time and space. Next, I combined these meanings in the video to learn about the symbolic meaning and expression method of space and time. In particular, works that deal with movement in time and space, or time slip, were targeted. Works expressing time with a clock motif, like paintings by the surrealist painter Dali, have also appeared in animations and movies. Art works related to space have also changed over time. In modern times, the dissolution of space is emerging, and unlimited space is being revealed through media such as media art. Additionally, a new dimension was expressed by simplifying and making abstract geometric shapes, colors, and shapes unfamiliar. And they showed that space and time changed through the movements of objects such as feathers, fish, butterflies, and light. So, I looked into the various symbolic meanings of objects and analyzed the implications I wanted to reveal in the work. Through the directing of great masters, I was able to see various ways that imagination and creativity were required, and I was also able to get a glimpse into the director's inner self. The significance of this study is that it classifies and analyzes scenes expressing abstract images in a specific way, providing references that can be used when producing future works. I hope that this study will serve as a good reference for those creating new works in the future. The next research topics include analyzing time slip-related movies by focusing on live-action movies and comparing them with animation production.


  • 손은하


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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