

근대 동북아시아의 도시 개발 표상과 그 이면:1930년대 청진의 산업화와 노동을 중심으로


The Other Side of the Urbanisation in Modern Northeast Asia:Focusing on the Industrialization and Labour of Chongjin in the 1930s


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examined the industrialization and labour issues in the 1930s Chongjin. In the 1930s, Chongjin experienced ‘compressed’ urbanization and industrialization. The urbanization and industrialization of Chongjin is represented by an increase in the population and the growth of civil engineering and chemical industries. Through Urbnizatioan and industrialization, the city has grown into one of the largest metropolitan cities in Korea, but the rapid change has created a variety of social problems, especially in the labour sector. A severe shortage of labour, an increase in the number of ‘migrant labourers’ and frequent labour movements occurred in the 1930s. The reasons why the shortage of labour continued despite the increase in the population are as follows. It was the result of an increase in labour demand, a problem of ‘mismatch’ of jobs, a problem of ‘adaptation’ of ‘migrant labourers’, and a lack of their social networks. A shortage of labour can be considered to be advantageous for improving the treatment of labourers. However, the intensification of the labour movement reflected a pattern of a ‘labour market’ where market logic was not applied. In other words, despite the shortage of labour, the management tried to solve the problem in the form of suppressing the labor movement and replenishing ‘migrant labourers’ rather than attracting labourers by improving the treatment of labourers. The compressed urbanization of Chongjin in the 1930s is represented by the growth of quantitative factors such as population growth, large-scale capital and cost, and increase in industrial production. However, on the other hand, discrimination and gaps continued due to colonial conditions, labour-management conflicts, regional conflicts, and government coercion.


  • 권경선


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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