

초주갑인자본 「궐리지」 연구


The Study on the First Cast Gapinja Type Editions of Gwolliji


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study introduces the Korean edition of the family chronicle of the Confucius family in Qufu, Gwolliji (闕里誌), which was completed by Jin Ho (陳鎬) in 1505 during the Hongzhi period of the Ming Dynasty. The study focuses on the earliest extant edition, the First Cast Gapinja Type edition from the Jungjong period, and conducts a bibliographical analysis of the different editions to estimate the printing dates. the First Cast Gapinja Type edition of Gwolliji is currently housed in full sets of 13 volumes at Dosan Seowon (Confucian Academy) in Korea, the National Library of China, and the National Archives of Japan, with partial volumes at the National Library of Korea, the Korean Naval Academy, and Korea University Library. Among these, the Dosan Seowon edition is a Naesabon, with printing dates specified by records from the 7th year of Jungjong (1512). This study compares the formats of the three complete sets, identifies the most similar Chinese edition of Gwolliji, and examines the movable types and printed pages, as well as the correction traces, to estimate the printing dates of the editions housed in the National Library of China and the National Archives of Japan.


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