

조선 초기 관료유학자의 정치사상 연구 -정도전(鄭道傳)과 변계량(卞季良)을 중심으로-


A Study on the Political thoughts of Bureaucratic Confucian Scholars in Early Chosun Dynasty -Centered on Jeong Do-Jeon and Pyon Kye-Ryang-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It is common to describe the dynasty change from Goryeo to Chosun as a ‘surname change revolution(易姓革命)’. The essence of the Goryeo-Chosun dynasty change is an ‘revolution of ideological change(易理念革命)’. In other words, the country’s political orientation completely changed from Buddhism to Confucianism. Therefore, the early Chosun Dynasty was a time to establish Confucianism as the founding ideology of Chosun, and especially moralistic political ideology and system. The people who led politics and scholarship in the early Chosun Dynasty were scholar-officials. In this study, Jeong Do-Jeon and Pyon Kye-Ryang were identified as two people who represented the political thoughts of the early Chosun Dynasty. Along with these, attention was also paid to the role of King Taejong, who had a decisive influence on the political thoughts of the early Chosun Dynasty. This is because Taejong was also a Confucian scholar who studied Neo-Confucianism before becoming king, and he had a firm political orientation. In addition, this study sought to understand how diplomatic relations with the Ming(明) Dynasty, which had a tributary relationship with Chosun and had great influence on Chosun politics, were involved in the political landscape of Chosun during this period. Jeong Do-Jeon was a person who played a decisive role in leading the founding process of Joseon and reorganizing the early system. His political thoughts had a strong fundamentalist character, faithful to the realization of a moralistic ideal state. Therefore, he was thoroughly against heresy. Jeong Do-Jeon succeeded in establishing a dynasty, but was purged by Lee Bang-won, who sought to strengthen the royal power. However, much of the national system he pursued was reflected in the political system of Chosun through the reigns of King Taejong and King Sejong. Pyon Kye-Ryang was also a nobleman who learned Neo-Confucianism in the late Goryeo Dynasty. He did not participate in the founding process of Chosun. Pyon Kye-Ryang began to be used with great importance after the 7th year of King Taejong’s reign. The reason King Taejong entrusted important positions to Pyon Kye-Ryang because he needed a bureaucrat who could realize his political beliefs. He was a key scholar-official in the early Chosun Dynasty who successfully assisted King Taejong and King Sejong. This study attempted to understand the political thoughts of the Chosun Dynasty from its founding period to conservation period in the context of the internal and external political situation at the time. This is because you can understand the political thoughts of this period in a three-dimensional way


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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