

A Study on the Correlation between Personal Rehabilitation Process Experiences and Religious Experiences after the Pandemic : Focusing on the Phenomenological Method


Chung, Jae-Yup

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted both national and individual lives. The suspension of economic activities hit small business owners and the self-employed particularly hard. Between 2020 and 2022, during the period of restricted daily activities due to COVID-19, there was a dramatic increase in the number of personal rehabilitation applications. The personal rehabilitation system is designed to efficiently aid the debtor's recovery and benefit creditors by adjusting the legal relationships of debtors and stakeholders who have the potential for continuous future income. The researcher employs a phenomenological method to examine the religious characteristics influencing those who have experienced personal rehabilitation. Through interviews with 14 participants who underwent personal rehabilitation during the COVID-19 period, this study explores the psychological traits and the correlation with religious experiences during the process. Qualitative research revealed that, initially, personal rehabilitation applicants struggled with the "social stigma" and turned to religion for solace. Subsequently, they experienced a sense of stability through encounters with a higher power and gradually reintegrated into society through community activities. Ultimately, their lives became intertwined with religious experiences, demonstrating a deep correlation between personal rehabilitation and religious experiences through a field-centered research methodology. The study concludes by offering practical recommendations to assist individuals in economic crisis who have experienced personal rehabilitation.


I. Introduction
II. Study of the Personal Rehabilitation System and Religious Experiences
III. Research Methodology
IV. Types of Correlations Revealed in the Study
1. Intolerable Suffering Leading to Personal Rehabilitation or Bankruptcy
2. Overcoming Through Religious Activities
3. Religious Changes After Personal Rehabilitation
V. Conclustion


  • Chung, Jae-Yup Yonsei University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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