

High School Credit System and Principles of Developing Christian Textbook for Christian Private Schools


Ham, Young-Ju, Lee, Soon-Ok

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to propose principles for producing religious textbooks based on a Christian worldview that can be used in private Christian schools. Major changes are expected in Korean education with the full implementation of the high school credit system in 2025. The high school credit system began to overcome the ranking and uniformity caused by entrance-centered education, and its biggest purpose is to allow students to design and prepare a career that suits them. The high school credit system is expected to have an impact on Christian private schools as well. In Korea, Christian private schools are experiencing a conflict between publicness and autonomy. In other words, interference from the government in matters such as curriculum selection and operation, student selection, and teacher selection cannot be avoided. It is becoming increasingly difficult for Christian schools to run religious education courses. This situation will become more serious when the high school credit system is implemented. Therefore, there is a need to design religious classes that reflect this reality and produce new religious textbooks necessary for this. It is necessary to prepare for the high school credit system by producing religious textbooks based on a Christian worldview that are different from existing religious textbooks. First, religious textbooks based on the Christian worldview must reflect biblical principles and the Christian worldview. Second, it must be produced as a textbook that connects changes in future society and students’ careers. Third, it must reflect the problems in students' lives and be composed of units that fit the credit system. Fourth, religious textbooks should be produced so that they can be taught using a variety of teaching methodologies. Since the educational situation has changed significantly with the implementation of the high school credit system, Christian education must also respond to this. The researcher hopes that faith education will be actively carried out in Christian schools by producing religious textbooks based on the Christian worldview that suit these situations and the characteristics of learners.


I. Introduction
II. The Definition and Features of High School Credit System
III. High School Credit System and Christian Education
IV. Principles of Writing Christian Textbook Reflecting High School Credit System
1. Reflecting Biblical Principles and a Christian Worldview
2. Linking Changes in Future Society and Student Career
3. Organizing Credit-Based Units That are Relevant to Students' Lives
4. Utilizing a Variety of Teaching and Learning Methods
V. Conclusion


  • Ham, Young-Ju Chongshin University
  • Lee, Soon-Ok Chongshin University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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