

Pastoral Theological Reflection on Compassion


Yoo, Sang Hi

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to provide a pastoral theological reflection on compassion. In acts of compassion, people often focus on extending compassion toward others, particularly friends, family, or benefactors. While understanding ordinary forms of compassion is relatively straightforward, it becomes more challenging to practice compassion towards individuals or groups that inflict pain and suffering through abuse, oppression or discrimination. When someone attempts to show compassion for those who have consistently caused harm or suffering, their efforts are frequently criticized as potentially jeopardizing the safety of victims and leading to further dander and suffering. Consequently, such acts of compassion are sometimes deemed irrational or pathological. Acknowledging these concerns, this study engages in a pastoral theological reflection on the meaning of compassion in contemporary society. First, it explores the meaning, motivations, and validity of compassion, addressing criticisms from scholars. In addition, the objects of compassion are examined based on Germer's six categories. Second, the practice of compassion for those who cause suffering is discussed at both individual and societal level, drawing on the arguments of practical and pastoral theologians. Ultimately, this study asserts that compassion must be understood as a complicate and complex human experience comprising various dimensions, such as emotion, reason, faith, and duty, rather than merely as an irrational emotion. Furthermore, this study contends that compassion has the potential to dismantle the dualism between self and others, as well as oppressor and oppressed. Practicing compassion for adversaries within families and society can be achieved through an acknowledgment of interconnectedness and relationality.


I. Introduction
II. Compassion
1. Meaning and Motivation
2. The Object of Compassion
III. Pastoral Theological Reflection on Compassion
1. Pastoral Theology: Enemies in Family?
2. Public Theology: Enemies in Society and World?
IV. Conclusion


  • Yoo, Sang Hi Healing and Counseling Graduate University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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