

Mothering and Disability : A Practical Theological Case Study of Lived Experience


Hur, Jeong-Yun April

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article presents an in-depth case study of one mother's experience raising a child with disabilities, examined through the lens of practical theology. Drawing on extensive interviews with Karyn, whose daughter Corbyn has multiple disabilities, this study explores how her experiences have shaped and reshaped her theological understandings and spiritual practices over time. The research reveals a complex journey where Karyn navigates multiple, often seemingly contradictory, theological stances. Her lived theology frequently diverges from normative disability theology, highlighting a significant gap in current literature and pastoral practices. The study demonstrates that Karyn's spiritual and emotional journey does not follow a linear progression but rather a spiral pattern, where early reactions and later acceptance coexist. This complexity challenges existing frameworks in both disability theology and psycho-social literature on parenting children with disabilities. The article argues for a more nuanced approach in practical theology that honors these lived experiences, calling for pastoral and community practices that can accommodate and support the diverse theological positions held by parents of children with disabilities.


I. Introduction
II. Methodology
III. Karyn's Narrative: A Case Study
1. Initial Encounters with Disability
2. Facing the Reality of Disability
3. Seeking Therapies and Intervention
4. Becoming a Therapist and Advocate
5. Ongoing Challenges and Hopes
IV. Conclusion


  • Hur, Jeong-Yun April The Center for Educational Research at Seoul National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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