

Embodied Spirit or Spiritual Body? - Paul’s Redefinition of the Soma (Body) within Greco-Roman context in 1 Corinthians -


Park, Se-Hoon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper investigates Paul's redefinition of the term soma (body) in his first epistle to the Corinthians within the Greco-Roman context. Contrary to the prevalent dualistic view influenced by Cartesian philosophy, which separates body and soul, Paul presents a holistic understanding of the human person. Through a detailed analysis, this study explores the linguistic and philosophical backgrounds that influenced Paul's conceptualization of the soma, including Old Testament and Hellenistic traditions. It examines how Paul integrates Jewish and Greek perspectives to advocate for the integral nature of the human being, encompassing body, soul (psyche), and spirit (pneuma). This redefinition challenges the Corinthian Church's dualistic misconceptions and emphasizes a unified view of the human person in (terms of human) relation to God. Moreover, the research highlights Paul's innovative approach in addressing the social, political, and philosophical influences of his time, ultimately constructing a Christian anthropology that recognizes the permeability and malleability of the soma as a vessel for (the relationship between) the divine and human elements.


I. Introduction
II. The Understanding of Soma before Paul
1. Body in the Old Testament
2. Body in the Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy
3. The Body in Ancient Judaism and Philo
III. The Body at the Time of Paul: a close reading of the concept of body in Greco-Roman contexts
1. Non-dualistic understanding of the human person
2. The Construction of the Body as a Physiological Hierarchy
IV. Paul’s Redefinition of Soma in 1 Cor.
1. Philo’s reshaping the Greek tripartite anthropology
2. Paul’s Redefinition of Soma in his Description of the Resurrected Body
V. Conclusion


  • Park, Se-Hoon Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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