

지역 활성화를 위한 일본 그린 투어리즘의 지역적 특성에 관한 연구-고치현(高知縣)의 지역 사례를 중심으로-


Study on the Regional Characteristics of Green Tourism for Local Revitalization in Japan - Case Study of Kochi Prefecture

문창현, 진명숙

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this research is to analyze the regionally unique characteristics of successful green tourism process in case of Kochi prefecture, Japan and suggest the appropriate direction for desirable green tourism development to Korean rural communities in the viewpoint of tourism-geograph ical approach. This research focus more attentions on the investigation of major roles and application methods of green tourism for local revitalization in case of Japanese local communities. This study adopts Hata gun and Takaoka gun in Kochi prefecture which have accumulated diversified experiences and know-how for several years as typical case models for benchmarking of green tourism to Korean farming villages. On the basis of results confirmed above, appropriate direction and effective methods for successful green tourism development in the Korean local scale are proposed. The results of this study are summarized as follows. Tsuno town has attempted to connect green tourism to famous ecological place assets like Tengu Plateau and Shimanto River to induce urban tourists to flow into the rural region. Morinosubako, Shimanto Gakusya and Kuroson mura are managed by local residents to accomplish the social and economical revitalization of the local community. Seaside Gallery in Ogata town has practiced green tourism in the sustainable method to pursue two objects; the protection of natural environment and the contribution to a local community. In conclusion, the ultimate goal of authentic green tourism in Japan is to induce urban dwellers to settle down in the rural region. Green tourism in Japan is carried out in his peculiar own way which is different from an European style. Locally diverse conditions of rural regions in Japan are reflected in the executive process of green tourism. There are many instructions for Korean rural communities to learn from experiences of regional cases in Japan.


Ⅰ. 서론
  1. 문제제기와 연구목적
  2. 연구방법과 연구지역
 Ⅱ. 그린 투어리즘의 개념적 특성
  1. 그린 투어리즘의 개념 규정
  2. 그린 투어리즘에 관한 선행연구의 연구동향
 Ⅲ. 일본 그린 투어리즘의 전개과정과 정책적 특성
  1. 일본 그린 투어리즘의 도입 배경과 전개과정
  2. 일본 그린 투어리즘의 정책적 특성
 Ⅳ. 일본 고치현의 그린 투어리즘 추진 사례의 지역적 특성
  1. 지역적 장소자산의 네트워킹: 쓰노초(津野町)의 장소마케팅
  2. 로컬 오너쉽(local ownership)에 따른 사회적ㆍ경제적 재활성화: 모리노쓰바코(森の巢箱)와 시만토라쿠사(四万十樂舍)
  3. 그린 투어리즘의 지속가능한 관광 실천: 쓰나하마미술관(沙浜美術館)
  4. 민관파트너쉽에 의한 그린 투어리즘의 추진: 쿠로손무라(黑尊村)
  5. 그린 투어리즘을 통한 도시민의 농촌마을 정주 유도: 토마리아공방(泊ソ屋工房)
 Ⅴ. 한국 그린 투어리즘의 실태와 발전방향
  1. 한국 그린 투어리즘의 실태와 전개과정
  2. 한국 그린 투어리즘의 문제점과 발전방향
 Ⅵ. 결론


  • 문창현 전북대학교 고고문화인류학과 BK21사업단 기금교수, 일본학
  • 진명숙 전북대학교 고고문화인류학과 박사과정, 일본학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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