

Mulligan의 테이핑 이용에 관한 고찰


A Review on Mulligan’s Taping Utilization

이재갑, 노현영, 김용권

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to Mulligan, taping is relatively difficult to quantify. In addition, it was said that only one or two days were applied due to abnormal reactions of most skin. Nevertheless, taping is a necessary tool for the treatment of dysfunction. Mulligan used most of the taping applications to maintain the effect of manual therapy. It was also used as an alternative to manual therapy. Mulligan's taping method can be seen as functional taping in the author's pursuit of orthopedic medicine taping. Orthopedic medicine taping divides musculoskeletal dysfunction into contractile and non-contractile tissues and presents each treatment. Among them, functional taping is an approach to the problem of dysfunction in non-contractile tissues. Many studies have also reported that applying various interventions suitable for the disease together rather than using only one treatment can expect a higher therapeutic effect. From this point of view, taping is considered to be valuable for research as one of the techniques that is quite easy to use in combination with manual therapy.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 본론
1. Mulligan의 어깨관절 테이핑 방법
2. Mulligan의 팔꿉관절 테이핑 방법
3. Mulligan의 손목관절 테이핑 방법
4. Mulligan의 손가락관절 테이핑 방법
5. Mulligan의 척추 테이핑 방법
6. Mulligan의 엉치엉덩관절 테이핑 방법
7. Mulligan의 무릎관절 테이핑 방법
8. Mulligan의 발목관절 테이핑 방법
Ⅲ. 결론


  • 이재갑 Lee, JeaKap. 대한테이핑물리치료학회
  • 노현영 Noh, HyeonYoung. 대한테이핑물리치료학회
  • 김용권 Kim, YongKwon. 대한테이핑물리치료학회


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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