

고구려 문화예술의 이해와 창작을 위한 역사적인 인식


Understanding KOGURYO's cultural art and Historical cognition for creativity


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Koguryo(高句麗) was the cultural nation with rich cultures and arts as different from the common idea. The art was particular; especially its excellence of dancing performances is recorded in many Chinese history books and others. The framework of Koguryo’s culture and its own value or the form to express the art were enlightened and developed during the age of King Kwanggaeto(廣開土) and King Changsu(將帥). The field of Koguryo’s activities had various types of natural environments and was the place where the land and the sea met. It was a compounded place where koguryo civilians coexisted with other few tribes. Also, it was the spectrum region where agriculture, nomadic, marine, and hunting cultures were developed together. Identity was what Koguryo’s cultural art took an importance of. Through King Kwanggaeto’s a tombstone, the birth myth of the nation, religious beliefs, and ancient tomb murals, they announced that they were sons of the sky. In the ancienttomb murals, there are stars, flying birds, flying horses, and fishes with wings drawn on the ceilings. Samjoko(三足烏) a crow with three feet that represents the sun) are often found as well. and the world tend to aim at harmonization. Koguryo’s art was developed from both static and dynamic characteristics which came from agriculture and other nomadic, sea, and hunting cultures. It was the field where the new civilization as the type of Mo-stability, was created. Other than those, it expressed its excellent sense of beauty. Its art can be practically applied to creation of modern art and can advise the direction where our art should head toward.


1. 서론을 대신하여
 2. 고구려 문화예술 환경의 이해
 3. 고구려의 문화 예술과 국가정책 관계
 4. 고구려 문화예술에 담긴 의미와 메시지
 5. 맺음말


  • 윤명철 Youn, Myung-Chul. 동국대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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