


일본 근대 변소(便所)개량과 혼종적 공간담론 - 배제와 편입의 공간질서-


Improvement of Japanese Modern Toilet and Hybrid Spatial Discourse - Exclusion and Incorporation Space Order -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study explores the transformation of toilet spaces in Japan from 1910 to 1954, focusing on the efforts of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Family Welfare, home economics scholars, and housing improvement associations to enhance sanitation. By examining the toilet as a symbol within residential spaces, this research redefines it as an ‘in-between space’ created by the intersection of dominant residential spaces and the outside world. The study investigates how toilets were glorified and positioned at the forefront of sanitation administration from a translocality perspective. Through text mining analysis, key terms such as ‘cubic feet’, ‘necessity’, ‘filter material’, and ‘quantity’ were identified, reflecting the primary concerns related to toilets at the time. This study reveals that toilets, once seen as symbols of bad smell and uncleanness, were transformed into spaces essential for the virtuous cycle of waste management and hygiene. The modernization of toilets, particularly with the introduction of flush toilets and sanitary facilities, had a profound impact on public health, social norms, and cultural practices in Japan. The research also highlights the role of toilets in enhancing family bonds and social connectivity, driven by government policies and media campaigns. The integration of toilets into residential spaces represents not just a practical improvement but a cultural innovation, reflecting Japan’s modernization and westernization trends. The findings underscore the importance of toilets as boundary spaces that embody both physical and conceptual transitions within Japanese society, contributing to a deeper understanding of the spatial order of exclusion and inclusion.




1. 서론
2. 선행연구
2.1 트렌스로컬적 공간으로서의 변소
2.2 근대변소의 개념 및 일본 변소개량, 주택개량 담론
3. 연구방법론
4. 근대변소와 위생 네러티브
4.1 단속규칙과 시설표준의 텍스트마이닝 분석결과
4.2 「新住宅:便所の研究」의 네러티브 분석결과
5. 논의
5.1 근대변소와 위생행정, 주거정책의 상호작용
5.2 근대변소와 주거문화의 변화
5.3 근대변소와 집단감정의 유발
6. 시사점 및 남은 과제



  • 최소영 Choi, SoYoung. 韓国外国語大学 KFL大学院 助教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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