


交差する韓半島の日本語詩人たち -『朝鮮詩華集』(1928/29)と『朝鮮詩人選集』(1933)を中心として-


Crossing of Japanese Poets in the Korean Peninsula - Focusing on the two Chosen Poetry Collections(1928/29) and Anthology of Chosen Poets(1933) -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper focuses on the activities of the Japanese-language poetry community in Korea from the late 1920s to the 1930s. It specifically analyses the two volumes of Chosen Poetry Collection published by Nakamura Gyoharin in 1928 and 1929 following Uchino Kenji’s deportation to Japan, and the Anthology of Chosen Poets published by the Chosen Poet Association in 1933. Through these analyses, the paper meticulously traces the shift in leadership within the Chosen poetry community from Uchino Kenji to the poet Sato Kiyoshi, a professor at Keijō Imperial University, and subsequently to Sugimoto Takeo and his fellow poets. Sugimoto and his colleagues played a pivotal role in the Japanese-language poetry scene in Korea up until the late Japanese colonial period in the 1940s. The discovery of Anthology of Chosen Poets as a new source revealed that dozens of poetry-focused magazines were published in Korea around the 1930s, shedding light on the era. The paper aims to further investigate the representation of poetry and the essence of the pursuit of a uniquely Korean poetic identity in future studies.


1. はじめに
2. 内野健児追放後の「朝鮮」詩:二巻の『朝鮮詩華集』
3. 『朝鮮詩人選集』から見る1930年代初期の朝鮮詩壇
4. 結び


  • 嚴仁卿 엄인경. 高麗大学校グローバル日本研究院教授・国際日本文化研究センター外国人研究員


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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