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The Moderating Effect of Spiritual Well-Being on the Relationship Between Childhood Abuse Experiences in Adults and Mental Disorders



This study explores the relationship between childhood abuse experiences and subsequent mental disorders in adults, with a particular focus on the moderating role of spiritual well-being. Using self-reported data from 210 graduate students in the Daejeon and Chungcheong regions, the findings demonstrate that spiritual wellbeing significantly moderate how childhood abuse impacts adult mental health. Specifically, individuals with lower levels of spiritual well-being experience a greater exacerbation of metnal disorders related to past abuse, while those with higher levels show a buffering effect. These results suggest that enhancing spiritual well-being could be a vital component of therapeutic interventions aimed at preventing mental disorders in adults who have experienced childhood abuse. We highlight the potential benefits of incorporating spiritual well-being into mental health strategies and call for additional research to substantiate these findings across broader populations. This unique contribution underscores the importance of considering spiritual factors int the therpeutic process, offering a new and valuable perspective in the field of mental health research.


1. Introduction
2. Research Method
2.1 Research Subjects
2.2 Measurement Tools
2.3 Data Analysis
3. Research Results
3.1 Descriptive Statistics and Correlation of Major Variables
3.2 Analysis of the Moderating Effect of Spiritual Well-Being on the Relationship between ChildhoodAbuse Experiences and Mental Disorders
4. Discussion and Conclusion


  • Park Hannah Ajunct Professor, Department of Intercultural Studies, Juan International University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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