

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

The effect of Organizational Culture on Organizational Justice and Job Performance



The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between organizational culture (innovation culture, relationship culture, hierarchy culture, task culture) as perceived by organizational members and its impact on organizational justice and job performance. This contributes to providing additional data for the revitalization and development of the organizational system for efficient management and operation measures included in the organization's sustainable management. To this end, the hypothesis established through the traditional process of quantitative research was tested as follows. First, organizational culture showed a positive effect on organizational justice. Second, organizational culture had a positive (+) effect on job performance. Third, organizational justice was significantly analyzed in terms of job performance. In other words, the importance of systematic re-establishment and continuous implementation of organizational culture (innovation culture, relationship culture, hierarchy culture, task culture) and organizational justice consistent with organizational characteristics was emphasized in order to improve job performance, which is the result of organizational competitiveness. In addition, it is the aspect of drawing practical implications for strategic human resource management and human resource development to systematically improve it.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
2.1. Relationship between Organizational Culture and Organizational Justice.
2.2 Relationship between Organizational Culture and Job Performance
2.3. Relationship between Organizational Justice and Job Performance
3. Research Method
3.1. Research Model
3.2. Analysis Method
3.3. Operational Definition of Variables
4. Research Results
4.1 Demographic Characteristics
4.2 Validity and Reliability analysis of Measurement tools
4.3 Correlation analysis between Measured variables
4.4 Hypothesis test
5. Conclusion


  • Moon Jun Kim Part-time lecturer at Kongju National University(Business Administration), Hankyong National University(Bright College), and Incheon National University(Department of Creative Human Resource Development), Korea.
  • Lee Soowook Professor at Kwangwoon University Information Science Education Institute, Korea


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