

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

A Study on Character Consistency Generated in [Midjourney V6] Technology



The emergence of programs like Midjourney, particularly known for its text-to-image capability, has significantly impacted design and creative industries. Midjourney continually updates its database and algorithms to enhance user experience, with a focus on character consistency. This paper's examination of the latest V6 version of Midjourney reveals notable advancements in its characteristics and design principles, especially in the realm of character generation. By comparing V6 with its predecessors, this study underscores the significant strides made in ensuring consistent character portrayal across different plots and timelines.Such improvements in AI-driven character consistency are pivotal for storytelling. They ensure coherent and reliable character representation, which is essential for narrative clarity, emotional resonance, and overall effectiveness. This coherence supports a more immersive and engaging storytelling experience, fostering deeper audience connection and enhancing creative expression.The findings of this study encourage further exploration of Midjourney's capabilities for artistic innovation. By leveraging its advanced character consistency, creators can push the boundaries of storytelling, leading to new and exciting developments in the fusion of technology and art.


1. Introduction
1.1 Overview of Development
1.2 Field of Investigation
1.3 The Importance of Conducting the Research Task
2. Purpose of Study Execution
2.1 Improve Accuracy and Efficiency of Character Generation
3. Problem Points and Solutions
3.1 Adverse Effects of Insufficient Role Consistency
3.2 Experiment Design and Implementation
3.3 Model Training
4. Results and Analysis
4.1 Analysis of Application Effect of Role Consistency in Narrative Scenes
4.2 Current Technical Problems
5. Midjourney's Strengths in Role Consistency
6. Conclusion


  • Xi Chen Doctor, Dept. of Multimedia, Gradute School of Digital Image and Contents Dongguk University, Korea
  • Jeanhun Chung Professor, Dept. of Multimedia, Gradute School of Digital Image and Contents Dongguk University, Korea


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