

Telecommunication Information Technology (TIT)

User Review Prioritization Analysis using Metadata



With the advancement of Internet technology, online sales and purchases of products have become active. Along with this, the importance of user reviews is also being highlighted. Although user reviews are actively utilized for product sales and purchases, it is difficult to quickly and easily obtain useful information due to the abundance of user reviews. Therefore, prioritizing user reviews is a necessary service for customers that requires careful consideration. Metadata, which contains important information, can be effectively used to prioritize user reviews. However, it is crucial to select and use metadata appropriately according to the purpose. Lean Startup proposes a strategy of repeatedly correcting the problems of ideas or making early transitions to continue trying different approaches. In this paper, we propose a three-step method applying the Lean Startup process to analyze ways to prioritize user reviews using metadata: Build Priority, Measure Priority, Learn Priority.


1. Introduction
2. Lean Startup
3. Proposed Method
3.1 Build Priority
3.2 Measure Priority
3.3 Learn Priority
4. Conclusion


  • Neung-Hoe Kim Assistant Professor, School of Software, Kunsan National University, Korea


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