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Goal-oriented Movement Reality-based Skeleton Animation Using Machine Learning



This paper explores the use of machine learning in game production to create goal-oriented, realistic animations for skeleton monsters. The purpose of this research is to enhance realism by implementing intelligent movements in monsters within game development. To achieve this, we designed and implemented a learning model for skeleton monsters using reinforcement learning algorithms. During the machine learning process, various reward conditions were established, including the monster's speed, direction, leg movements, and goal contact. The use of configurable joints introduced physical constraints. The experimental method validated performance through seven statistical graphs generated using machine learning methods. The results demonstrated that the developed model allows skeleton monsters to move to their target points efficiently and with natural animation. This paper has implemented a method for creating game monster animations using machine learning, which can be applied in various gaming environments in the future. The year 2024 is expected to bring expanded innovation in the gaming industry. Currently, advancements in technology such as virtual reality, AI, and cloud computing are redefining the sector, providing new experiences and various opportunities. Innovative content optimized for this period is needed to offer new gaming experiences. A high level of interaction and realism, along with the immersion and fun it induces, must be established as the foundation for the environment in which these can be implemented. Recent advancements in AI technology are significantly impacting the gaming industry. By applying many elements necessary for game development, AI can efficiently optimize the game production environment. Through this research, We demonstrate that the application of machine learning to Unity and game engines in game development can contribute to creating more dynamic and realistic game environments. To ensure that VR gaming does not end as a mere craze, we propose new methods in this study to enhance realism and immersion, thereby increasing enjoyment for continuous user engagement.


1. Introduction
2. Related Works
2.1. Reinforcement Learning
2.2. ML-Agent Machine Learing
2.3. PPO(Proximal Policy Optimization)
3. System
3.1. Skeleton Monster Design
4. Experiments
5. Conclusion


  • Yu-Won JEONG Visiting Professor, College of IT Engineering, Dept. of Media Software, Sungkyul University, Korea


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