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The Simulation of a General Hospital Evacuation



In this paper, we compare and analyze the evacuation time required at a general hospital using an evacuation simulation program and propose an optimized procedure to improve safety. The paper analyzed the evacuation time of all occupants, including patients who cannot evacuate by themselves. The following four cases were analyzed in order: the width of evacuation stairs is 120cm, 130cm, 140cm, and 150cm. The results of the evacuation simulation showed that the total evacuation time is 1998s, 1796s, 1651s, and 1161s, respectively. For every 10cm increase in the width of the evacuation stairs, the evacuation time decreases by 202s, 145s, and 91s in sequence. The evacuation time decreases as the width of the evacuation stairs increases. However, the rate of reduction in evacuation time decreases. Therefore, simply increasing the width of evacuation stairs cannot significantly improve evacuation efficiency, and it is necessary to choose an appropriate width of evacuation stairs. In addition, all four cases simulations display that after 600 seconds, the evacuees are concentrated in two evacuation stairs, while there are very few evacuees in the other stairs. To solve this problem, it is necessary to disperse the movement route and consider multiple avoidance methods.


2.1. The Software
2.2. Introduction to the Target Hospital
2.3. The Distribution of Occupants
2.4. Scenario Design
3.1. Simulation Result
3.2. Analysis of Simulation Result


  • Xiao-pei Liu Graduate Student, 55338 Dept. of Fire and Safety Engineering, Woosuk Univ
  • Ha-Sung, Kong Professor, 55338 Dept. of Fire Protection and Disaster Prevention, Woosuk Univ


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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