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Analysis of University Cafeteria Safety Based on Pathfinder Simulation



Recent years have seen a notable increase in fire incidents in university cafeterias, yet the social attention to these occurrences remains limited. Despite quick responses to these incidents preventing loss of life, the need for large-scale evacuation in such high foot traffic areas can cause significant disruptions, economic losses, and panic among students. The potential for stampedes and unpredictable damage during inadequate evacuations underscores the importance of fire safety and evacuation research in these settings. Previous studies have explored evacuation models in various university environments, emphasizing the influence of environmental conditions, personal characteristics, and behavioral patterns on evacuation efficiency. However, research specifically focusing on university cafeterias is scarce. This paper addresses this gap by employing Pathfinder software to analyze fire spread and evacuation safety in a university cafeteria. Pathfinder, an advanced emergency evacuation assessment system, offers realistic 3D simulations, crucial for intuitive and scientific evacuation analysis. The studied cafeteria, encompassing three floors and various functional areas, often exceeds a capacity of 1500 people, primarily students, during peak times. The study includes constructing a model of the cafeteria in Pathfinder and analyzing evacuation scenarios under different fire outbreak conditions on each floor. The paper sets standard safe evacuation criteria (ASET > RSET) and formulates three distinct evacuation scenarios, considering different fire outbreak locations and initial evacuation times on each floor. The simulation results reveal the impact of the fire's location and the evacuation preparation time on the overall evacuation process, highlighting that fires on higher floors or longer evacuation preparation times tend to reduce overall evacuation time.In conclusion, the study emphasizes a multifaceted approach to improve evacuation safety and efficiency in educational settings. Recommendations include expanding staircase widths, optimizing evacuation routes, conducting regular drills, strengthening command during evacuations, and upgrading emergency facilities. The use of information and communication technology for managing emergencies is also suggested. These measures collectively form a comprehensive framework for ensuring safety in educational institutions during fire emergencies.


2.1 Building Overview
2.2 Construction and Simulation Analysis of the Evacuation Model Based on Pathfinder
2.3 Estimation of Occupancy and Building Modeling
2.4 Personnel Settings


  • Zechen Zhang Graduate Student, 55338 Dept. of Fire and Safety Engineering, Woosuk Univ
  • Jaewook Lee Part-time Instructor, 32627 Division of Fire Safety, Mokwon Univ.
  • Hasung Kong Professor, 55338 Dept. of Fire Protection and Disaster Prevention, Woosuk Univ


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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