

Convergence of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication

A Research on AI Generated 2D Image to 3D Modeling Technology



Advancements in generative AI are reshaping graphic and 3D content design landscapes, where AI not only enriches graphic design but extends its reach to 3D content creation. Though 3D texture mapping through AI is advancing, AI-generated 3D modeling technology in this realm remains nascent. This paper presents AI 2D image-driven 3D modeling techniques, assessing their viability in 3D content design by scrutinizing various algorithms. Initially, four OBJ model-exporting AI algorithms are screened, and two are further evaluated. Results indicate that while AI-generated 3D models may not be directly usable, they effectively capture reference object structures, offering substantial time savings and enhanced design efficiency through manual refinements. This endeavor pioneers new avenues for 3D content creators, anticipating a dynamic fusion of AI and 3D design.


1. Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Purpose
2. Theoretical Background
2.1 Artificial Intelligence 2D Images to Generated 3D Models
3. AI Generated 3D Model Effect Comparison Process
3.1 AI Generated 3D Model Algorithm Screening
3.2 AI Generative Model Structure Analysis
4. Conclusion


  • Ke Ma Doctor's Course, Dept. of Multimedia, Graduate School of Digital Image and Contents Dongguk University, Korea
  • Jeanhun Chung Professor, Dept. of Multimedia, Graduate School of Digital Image and Contents Dongguk University, Korea


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