


Research on Changes in the Coffee and Tourism Industries After the End of COVID-19 Through Big Data Analysis



In early 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, widespread changes occurred throughout society. COVID-19 also brought changes in consumers' consumption behaviors and preferences. This study aims to find out how the current status of the tourism industry and the coffee industry has changed since the end of COVID-19 by conducting big data analysis focusing on the search frequency of Naver, Google, and the following, which are representative social networks in Korea. Designating "Coffee Industry + Tourism Industry" as the representative keyword, January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, the time of each COVID-19 outbreak, was set before the COVID-19 type, and January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 was set after the end of COVID-19. Based on the analyzed search binder big data analysis within the period, we would like to find out how the current status of the tourism industry and the coffee industry has changed since the end of COVID- 19. Finaly, the coffee and tourism industries are on the path of recovery and growth. In particular, the rise in coffee consumption, the recovery of the number of tourists, the emphasis on local tourism, and the strengthening of links with global markets are prominent.


1. Introduction
1-1 Research background
1-2 Purpose of Research
2. Theory
2-1 Tourism Industry
2-2 Coffee Industry
2-3 Bigdata Analysis
3. Bigdata Analysis
3-1 Analysis Method
3-2 Comparative analysis of word frequency
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Hyeon-Seok Kim Ph. D. Student, Department of Immersive Content Convergence, Graduate School of Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea
  • Gi-Hwan Ryu Professor, Department of Tourism and Food Industry, Graduate School of Smart Convergence, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea


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