


News Avoidance during the COVID-19 Pandemic:Focusing on China News Users



Today, news avoidance has become an inevitable trend, particularly exacerbated since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. To delve deeper into the shifting tendencies of news consumers towards news avoidance and unveil the motivations behind this avoidance, this study recruited 500 Chinese news consumers aged between 20 and 60 years old, employing survey questionnaires as the research method. Through an indepth examination of their news consumption behavior at different stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, we discovered that individuals' risk perceptions and efficacy beliefs significantly influence their patterns of news consumption. Furthermore, we identified negative emotions, information overload, and media distrust as the primary reasons for news avoidance among Chinese news consumers during the COVID-19 crisis. These findings Not only provide crucial insights into understanding the dynamics of news consumption behavior but also offer valuable reference points for the news industry to better fulfill its role and value during crises in the future.


1. Introduction
2. Literature review and theoretical background
2.1 Definition of News Avoidance
2.2 News Consumption during COVID-19
2.3 News Consumption during COVID-19 Motivations for News Avoidance
2.4 Perceived Risk and Efficacy Beliefs as Motivators of News Avoidance
3. Method
3.1 Data Sampling and Operatonal Definitions
3.2 Data Analysis
4. Result
4.1 News Consumption during COVID-19
4.2 Factors Influencing News Avoidance
5. Conclusion


  • LIYALIN Doctor, Department of Media and Communication, Korea University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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