


Implementation of Tone Control Module in Anchor System for Improved Audio Quality



Recently, audio systems are changing the configuration of conventional sound reinforcement (SR) systems and public address (PA) systems by using audio over IP (AoIP), a technology that can transmit and receive audio signals based on internet protocol (IP). With the advancement of IP technology, AoIP technologies are leading the audio market and various technologies are being released. In particular, audio networks and control hierarchy over peer-to-peer (Anchor) technology based on AoIP is a system that transmits and receives audio signals over a wide bandwidth without an audio mixer, creating a novel paradigm for existing audio system configurations. Anchor technology forms an audio system by connecting audio sources and output equipment with On-site audio center (OAC), a device that can transmit and receive IP. Anchor's receiving OAC is capable of receiving and mixing audio signals transmitted from different IPs, making it possible to configure a novel audio system by replacing the conventional audio mixer. However, Anchor technology does not have the ability to provide audio effects to input devices such as microphones and instruments in the audio system configuration. Due to this, when individual control of each audio source is required, there is a problem of not being able to control the input signal, and it is impossible to individually affect a specific input signal. In this paper, we implemented a tone control module that can individually control the tone of the audio source of the input device using the audio processor core in the audio system based on Anchor technology, tone control for audio sources is possible through a tone control module connected to the transmitting OAC. As a result of the study, we confirmed that OAC receives the signal from the audio source, adjusts the tone and outputs it on the tone control module. Based on this, it was possible to solve problems that occurred in Anchor technology through transmitting OAC and tone control modules. In the future, we hope that the audio system configuration using Anchor technology will become established as the standard for audio equipment.


1. Introduction
2. Audio System Configuration
2.1 Audio System Configuration Based on Anchor Technology
2.2 Audio System Configuration for Sound Setting
3. Tone Control Module Design
4. Implementation of Tone Control Module
5. Conclusion


  • Seungwon Lee Doctoral student, Department of Immersive Content Convergence, Kwangwoon University, Korea
  • Soonchul Kwon Associate professor, Graduate School of Smart Convergence, Kwangwoon University, Korea
  • Seunghyun Lee Professor, Ingenium College Liberal Arts, Kwangwoon University, Korea


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