


어깨 및 팔 동작 부하 측정을 위한 관찰적 기법 비교


Comparison of Six Observational Methods for Assessing Arm- and Hand-intensive Tasks


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to compare six observational methods for assessing arm- and hand-intensive tasks, based on literature review. The comparison was conducted in viewpoints of body regions, force/external load, motion repetition, other factors including static posture, coupling, duration/break, pace, temperature, precision task, and final risk or exposure level. The number of risk factors assessed was more, and assessment procedure was more complex than the observational methods for assessing whole-body postural loads such as Ovako Working Posture Analysis System(OWAS), Rapid Upper Limb Assessment(RULA), and Rapid Entire Body Assessment(REBA). Due to these, the intra- and inter-reliabilities were not high. A past study showed that while Hand Arm Risk Assessment Method(HARM) identified the smallest proportion of the work tasks as high risk, Strain Index(SI) and Quick Exposure Check(QEC) hand/wrist were the most rigorous with classifying most work tasks as high risk. This study showed that depending on the observational technique compared, the evaluation factors, risk or exposure level, and evaluation results were different, making it necessary to select a technique appropriate for the characteristics of the work being assessed.


1. 서론
2. 연구방법
3. 결과
3.1 평가 신체 부위
3.2 힘/외부 부하 및 동작 반복
3.3 기타 위험 요인
3.4 평가 결과
3.5 신뢰성 및 타당성
4. 토의 및 결론
5. References


  • 기도형 Dohyung Kee. 계명대학교 산업공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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