A Study on the Cause and Measures of Itaewon Human Stampede Accident Using Delph-AHP Survey Method
Human stampedes were a major hazard that could occur during mass gatherings, but they have received limited attention in korea. However, after the 10.29 Itaewon disaster, this atmosphere has turned around. The cause of such an accident and how to prevent it should be considered. The main aim of this study is to identify the reason why did the accident happen at that time, the root cause, and the triggering cause with Delphi-AHP survey method. In addition, various preventive measures were investigated by experts to prevent accidents similar to 10.29 Itaewon disaster. Problems and solutions were presented by collecting expert opinions on the causes and preventive measures of the 10.29 Itaewon disaster. However, the opinion of the experienced peoples who experienced the risk at the Itaewon was not included, so further investigation is considered necessary.
1. 서론
2. 연구방법
2.1 Delpi 1차 개방형 조사 방법
2.2 Delpi 2차 폐쇄형 조사 방법
2.3 AHP 조사 방법
3. 연구결과 및 토론
3.1 델파이(Delphi) 조사결과
3.2 AHP 조사결과
4. 결론
5. References