

Maqui Berry Extract Activates Dendritic Cells Maturation by Increasing the Levels of Co-stimulatory Molecules and IL-12 Production


Inae Jung, Ye Eun Lim, Mi Eun Kim, Jun Sik Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Dendritic cells play a very important role in the immune response as antigen-presenting cells that are critical for initiating both innate and acquired immunity. They recognize, process and present foreign antigens to other key immune cells to trigger and regulate the immune response. The ability to activate these dendritic cells can be used as a treatment for various immune diseases. Maqui berry has been reported to have anticancer, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. However, its effect on the activity of dendritic cells has not been studied. In this study, we investigated the efficacy of maqui berry extract in modulating dendritic cell activity. Treatment of dendritic cells with maqui berry extract induced the costimulatory molecules CD80, CD86, and MHC class I and II in a concentration-dependent manner. Furthermore, the antigen-presenting capacity of dendritic cells was inhibited, which confirms their ability to present antigens, and the production of Interleukin (IL)-12, which is important for dendritic cell activity, was increased. These results indicated that Maqui berry extract activates dendritic cells maturation by inducing the production of co-stimulatory molecules and IL-12. These results suggest that maqui berry extract may act as an effective adjuvant to enhance dendritic cell-based immune responses.


1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Animals
2.2. Cell viability (Annexin/PI assay)
2.3. Dendritic cells isolation and culture
2.4. Antigen uptake capacity
2.5. Cytokines assay
3. Results
3.1. Maqui berry extracts induces dendritic cells maturation
3.2. Maqui berry extract modulates immune response by inducing a decrease in antigen uptake capacity
3.3. Maqui berry extract induces IL-2 production in dendritic cells
4. Discussion


  • Inae Jung Department of Life Science, Immunology Research Lab, Institute of Well-Aging Medicare & CSU G-LAMP Project Group, BK21-plus Research Team for Bioactive Control Technology, College of Natural Sciences, Chosun University
  • Ye Eun Lim Department of Life Science, Immunology Research Lab, Institute of Well-Aging Medicare & CSU G-LAMP Project Group, BK21-plus Research Team for Bioactive Control Technology, College of Natural Sciences, Chosun University
  • Mi Eun Kim Department of Life Science, Immunology Research Lab, Institute of Well-Aging Medicare & CSU G-LAMP Project Group, BK21-plus Research Team for Bioactive Control Technology, College of Natural Sciences, Chosun University
  • Jun Sik Lee Department of Life Science, Immunology Research Lab, Institute of Well-Aging Medicare & CSU G-LAMP Project Group, BK21-plus Research Team for Bioactive Control Technology, College of Natural Sciences, Chosun University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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