

Original Article

Analysis of platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha expression in adult mouse testis



Background: Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRα) is essential for various biological processes, including fetal Leydig cell differentiation. The PDGFRαEGFP mouse model, which expresses an eGFP fusion gene under the native Pdgfrα promoter, serves as a valuable resource for exploring PDGFRα’s expression and function in vivo. This study investigates PDGFRα expression in adult testicular cells using PDGFRαEGFP mouse model. Methods: Genotyping PCR and gel electrophoresis were used to confirm the zygosity of PDGFRαEGFP mice. Histological examination and fluorescence imaging were used to identify PDGFRα expression within testicular tissue. Immunohistochemical analysis assessed the co-expression of PDGFRα with c-Kit, ANO-1, and TASK-1 in testicular cells. Results: Genotyping confirmed the heterozygous status of the mice, which is crucial for studies due to the embryonic lethal phenotype observed in homozygotes. Histological and fluorescence imaging revealed that PDGFRα+ cells were primarily located in the interstitial spaces of the testis, specifically within Leydig cells and peritubular myoid cells (PMCs). Immunohistochemical results showed PDGFRα co-localization with c-Kit and ANO-1 in Leydig cells and a complete co-localization with TASK-1 in both Leydig cells and PMCs. Conclusions: The findings demonstrate specific expression of PDGFRα in Leydig cells and PMCs in adult testicular tissue. The co-expression of PDGFRα with c-Kit, ANO-1, and TASK-1 suggests complex regulatory mechanisms, possibly influencing testicular function and broader physiological processes.


Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining
Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
Genotyping of PDGFRαEGFP mice
Identification of PDGFRα in PDGFRαEGFP mouse testicular tissue
Localization of c-Kit, ANO-1, and TASK1 in PDGFRα+cells


  • Min Seok Woo Department of Physiology, College of Medicine and Institute of Medical Sciences, Gyeongsang National University
  • Eun-Jin Kim Department of Physiology, College of Medicine and Institute of Medical Sciences, Gyeongsang National University
  • Dong Kun Lee Department of Physiology, College of Medicine and Institute of Medical Sciences, Gyeongsang National University; Department of Convergence Medical Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52727, Korea
  • Chung Eun Lee Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, College of Medicine, Gyeongsang National University Hospital, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52727, Korea
  • Eun-A Ko Department of Physiology, Colledge of Medicine, Jeju National University, Jeju 63243, Korea
  • Dawon Kang Department of Physiology, College of Medicine and Institute of Medical Sciences, Gyeongsang National University; Department of Convergence Medical Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52727, Korea


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