



How Online Celebrity Influence Online Buyers' Impulsive Buying Behavior?


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Live e-commerce has leveraged consumers' immediate impulsive psychological potential, transforming from a niche product into an indispensable mainstream marketing channel. As live e-commerce gradually becomes a dominant form of consumption, its rapid development has garnered significant attention from the academic community. This paper thoroughly investigates and discusses the impact of network anchors on consumers' impulsive buying behavior in live e-commerce and constructs a theoretical model. A questionnaire survey collected 279 valid responses, which were used for formal data analysis. The results indicate that anchors' parasocial interaction (PI), vicarious expression (VE), and scarcity persuasion (SP) have a significant positive impact on consumers' impulsive purchasing behaviors, with immersive experience acting as a mediator in these relationships.Therefore, the analysis in this study suggests that anchor attributes in online live streaming significantly influence consumers' impulsive buying behavior. This study examines the factors influencing consumer impulsive buying behavior in live streaming e-commerce, including the role of anchor attributes and the social environment. The findings emphasize the importance of immersive experiences and provide theoretical implications and practical suggestions for promoting immersive shopping experiences. The mediating effect analysis reveals the role of immersive experience as a mediator in the relationship between different independent variables and the dependent variable.The study discusses how live streaming commerce promotes immersive shopping experiences and how anchors can facilitate these experiences to boost impulsive buying behavior. During live broadcasts, anchors' immersive alternative expressions make it easier for viewers to imagine using the product, particularly when combined with time-limited online promotions. This better stimulates interaction between viewers and anchors, generates stronger empathy, enhances the immersive experience, and increases the likelihood of impulse purchases. The paper offers suggestions for live-streaming merchants and anchors to evoke immersive shopping experiences, such as stimulating impulsive buying behavior through compelling narratives and authentic interactions.


1. 引言
2. 理论背景和假设演变
2.1 沉浸理论
2.2 冲动购买行为
2.3 准社会互动
2.4 替代性表达
2.5 稀缺性说服
2.6 沉浸体验
3. 数据和研究方法
3.1 测量方法
3.2 样本和数据收集
3.3 信度和效度检验
3.4 模型拟合度检验
3.5 假设检验
4. 讨论
5. 局限性及未来研究方向


  • 朱书琴 주서금. 首尔科学综合大学院大学 管理学院


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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