

‘관용’과 ‘자유’의 경계에서 : 타이완 시기(1958-1962) 胡適의 ‘관용’론을 중심으로


Tolerance and Freedom: Reading Between the Lines : with a focus on the Tolerance of Hu Shih’s during his time in Taiwan (1958-1962)

‘관용’과 ‘자유’의 경계에서 : 타이완 시기(1958-1962) 호적의 ‘관용’론을 중심으로


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article discusses the tolerance of Hu Shih’s during in his time in Taiwan in the following two aspects. First, tolerance is an important concept that encompasses Hu’s entire life with freedom. While the individualism and liberalism that characterize Hu’s thought are ideas and perspectives that were formed in the context of Hu’s study in the United States, tolerance is distinctly different in that it is an attitude and attitude that was naturally acquired through Hu’s childhood experiences and the influence of his family background. I argue that it was the theoretical basis for Hu’s liberalism and a means of resistance against the oppression of freedom and political intolerance. Although tolerance was not as prominent as Hu’s liberalism, it was an important foundation for his liberal views and political beliefs. Second, “Tolerance and Freedom” is a critical essay Hu wrote in 1959, it was published in the Free China Journal自由中國半月刊 which Hu serves as editor. Most important is the fact that it is a main text for understanding Hu’s actions and ideas during in his time in Taiwan. Hu formally stated his essay that tolerance is more important than freedom, and that we should have an attitude of benevolence and tolerance in his later years. Regardless of the East and the West, it is no exaggeration to say that the history of mankind is constant struggle for freedom. Hu did not abandon his longing for freedom and his belief in freedom in the repressive political environment of Taiwan, he insisted on mutual tolerance and respect without prejudice because tolerance can be regarded as a virtue, but its importance can vary depending on the relationship with freedom, so tolerance becomes even more important as freedom expands. On this basis, the tolerance of Hu was actually the political position of Hu, which states that tolerance is more important than freedom, and that right and wrong must be judged without any prejudice to reach true freedom. It would have been difficult for his tolerance to come through in 20th Century China, Taiwan was no exception which is his final destination in his life. Although tolerance proved to be an unsuccessful endpoint of Hu’s political thought, it is undeniable that tolerance at the interface of tolerance and freedom was the centerpiece of Hu’s political and ideological struggle for freedom. In short, the ethical virtue of “tolerance” was both a means of resisting power and a pillar of support for Hu’s liberalism in the political context of Taiwan under the dictator system the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT).


1. 들어가는 말
2. 보편적 태도로서의 ‘관용’
3. ‘관용’은 왜 자유보다 중요한가? : 「容忍與自由」(1959)를 중심으로
4. 나가는 말


  • 한지연 Han, Jiyeon. 중앙대학교 아시아문화학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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