


문예의 인터페이시즘 : 이광래, 『미술과 무용, 그리고 몸 철학』 (민음사, 2020)



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This book is the sixth book in the ‘Mutual Understanding Philosophy’ series, which integrates literature with philosophy or art with philosophy. Mutual understanding is different from consilience. If consilience is centrist, mutual understanding is anti-centrist. Mutual understanding is ‘acentric’, with no center or periphery. Mutual understanding is the interface of human, material, intellectual, emotional, mind, and body. From the beginning, it is an expression of the nomadic desire to traverse in all directions, and an expression of the will to coexist to share more things of different species. In art, mutual understanding is the same as ‘interface’. Interfaces are the result of interfacial desire. It is as if modern dance since Merce Cunningham (1919-2009) has denied both the protagonist and the center of the stage. The reductionist and coherentist concept of mutual understanding can be freely used by anyone and at will without being deceived by the language game that distorts or misleads philosophy, humanities, and even literary arts in the name of 'the unity of knowledge.' This book contains the author's desire to build a 'bridge of freedom' that crosses everywhere and provides mutual understanding and a 'meeting place' for free spirits.


Ⅰ. 개요
Ⅱ. 저자의 주장: 몸철학 위에 세워진 ‘인터페이스 현상’
1부. 문예의 인터페이시즘
2부. 습합하는 미술
3부. 수렴하는 무용
4부. 인터페이시즘으로서의 몸철학
Ⅲ. 위대함으로 향하는 용기 있는 예술가들을 위한 여행서


  • 이상헌 Lee Sang Heon. 춤 평론가


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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