

Technology Convergence (TC)

Development of an evaluation tool model for the effective measurement of cyber motion sickness in immersive virtual reality




We are designed to solve cyber motion sickness, an important task that must be addressed for the growth of the virtual reality content industry. Not only the industry but also academia are paying a lot of attention. However, despite long interest and research on the phenomenon of cyber motion sickness, a solution has not been drawn. This is deeply related to the lack of tools that can effectively measure cyber motion sickness. Therefore, in this paper, prior studies on cyber motion sickness were analyzed to develop a tool that can effectively measure cyber motion sickness when users experience immersive virtual reality. The measurement method of cyber motion sickness used in previous studies, each characteristic and limitation, and common factors related to cyber motion sickness were analyzed. Each of the related factors was derived as sub-factors. Based on the analyzed contents, an effective cyber motion sickness measurement evaluation tool model in immersive virtual reality was presented. It is expected that the evaluation tool model can be used for the study of cyber motion sickness.


2. Theoretical background
2.1 Immersive Virtual Reality
2.2 Cyber Motion Sickness
3. Cyber Motion Sickness Measurement Evaluation Tool Model
4. Conclusion


  • Kim Seung Uk Ph.D. program at Gongju National University., Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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