

Culture Convergence (CC)

Improving the Linkage System between the Police and Social Welfare Agencies for Effective Response to Domestic Violence and Child Abuse in South Korea




This study aims to explore improvement measures for the linkage system between the police and social welfare agencies in responding to domestic violence and child abuse issues in South Korea by comparing and analyzing the current systems in South Korea, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Despite the legal and institutional foundations for victim protection and perpetrator correction in each country, the effectiveness of actual cooperation faces several limitations. In South Korea, the level of cooperation is insufficient due to the lack of information sharing, role conflicts, and ambiguity of cooperation procedures. The United States and the United Kingdom operate more systematic cooperation programs, showing notable achievements in mental health crisis intervention and domestic violence response. To improve the linkage system in South Korea, this study proposes the following measures: (1) developing a clear cooperation protocol, (2) conducting regular education and training programs, (3) establishing an integrated information system, and (4) strengthening the victim-centered approach. Implementing these measures will contribute to more effective responses to domestic violence and child abuse issues, ultimately leading to a healthier and safer society by reducing social costs through victim protection and perpetrator correction.


2. Theoretical Background
3. Comparison of Police-Social Welfare Linkage Systems in Korea and Major Countries
3.1 Police-Social Welfare Linkage System in Korea
3.2 Police-Social Welfare Linkage System in the United States
3.3 Police-Social Welfare Linkage System in the United Kingdom
3. Improvement Measures for the Police-Social Welfare Linkage System in Korea
3.1 Strengthening Police-Child Protection Agency Cooperation to Respond to Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
3.2 Improvement measures for the legal system for victim safety and perpetrator punishment and correction
3.3 Cooperation between the police and social welfare agencies
4. Conclusion


  • Nam Young-Hee Prof., Dept. of Welfar and Public, Chungang Univ., Korea


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