

Culture Convergence (CC)

The Evolution of Drone and Air Defense Technologies : Implications for the Future Battlefield




The rapid advancement of drone technology has significantly altered the landscape of modern warfare, presenting both opportunities and challenges for military forces worldwide. As drones become increasingly sophisticated, capable of performing complex missions such as reconnaissance, surveillance, and precision strikes, the development of effective air defense systems has become a critical priority. This study examines the current state of drone and air defense technologies, analyzing their impact on military strategies, tactics, and the future battlefield environment. By exploring the patterns of technological evolution, the limitations of existing air defense systems, and the potential consequences of drone proliferation, this research highlights the need for adaptive, innovative approaches to counter emerging threats. The findings underscore the importance of investing in advanced detection and interception capabilities, developing comprehensive counter-drone doctrines, and fostering international cooperation to address the ethical and legal challenges posed by the military use of drones. As the competition between drone and air defense technologies continues to intensify, policymakers and military leaders must proactively engage in shaping the future of warfare to ensure national security and stability in an increasingly complex world.


1. Introduction
1.1 Research Background and Purpose
1.2 Literature Review
2. Current Status and Prospects of Drone Technology Development
2.1 Drivers of Drone Technology Development
2.2 Impact of Drone Technology Development on Society
2.3 Drivers of Drone Technology Development
3. Evolution and Limitations of Air Defense Technologies
3.1 Patterns of Air Defense Technology Evolution
3.2 Patterns of Air Defense Technology Evolution
3.3 Prospects for Changes in the Future Battlefield Environment
4. Impact of Drone and Air Defense Technology Development on the Future Battlefield
4.1 Characteristics and Cases of Drone Warfare
4.2 Limitations of Air Defense Response to Drone Threats
4.3 Prospects for Changes in the Future Battlefield Environment
4.4 Necessity of Changes in Military Strategies and Tactics
5. Impact of Drone and Air Defense Technology Development on the Future Battlefield


  • Kim Seung-Hyun Prof., Dept. of Military Security, Woosuk Univ., Korea


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