

Culture Convergence (CC)

A Study on the Motivating Factors for Nuclear Development in the Kim Jong-un Era (2011-2017)



Within five years of Kim Jong-un's rise to power, North Korea conducted four nuclear tests and launched the Hwasong-15, an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), in 2017, declaring the completion of its nuclear forces. During the period when Kim Jong-un completed nuclear forces to maintain the regime, foreign policy factors of the United States, China, Russia, and South Korea drove North Korea's accelerated nuclear development. The main motivating factors were the hostile policies and external threats as security factors. The completion of nuclear forces is also the result of the interplay of domestic political factors, normative factors, and hereditary factors. North Korea has been developing nuclear weapons and missiles for the survival of its regime. To achieve lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula, a new modus vivendi must be sought. It is necessary to set the ultimate goal of North Korea's complete denuclearization and engage in strategic thinking for a realistic and effective phased approach.


2. Literature Review and Theoretical Background
3. Motivating Factors for Nuclear Development in the Kim Jong-un Era (2011-2017)
4. Preparation for North Korean nuclear threat and plan for denuclearization
5. Conclusion


  • Deog-Sung Jung Ph.D. Student, Dept. of North Korean Studies, Dongguk Univ, Korea
  • Yong-Hyun Kim Professor, Dept. of North Korean Studies, Dongguk Univ , Korea


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