

흑인 하드보일드 추리소설의 성정치학 — 할렘 연작에서의 팜므파탈과 남성 동성애자 재현과 처벌


Sexual Politics of Black Hard-Boiled Detective Fiction : The Representation and Punishment of Femme Fatales and Male Homosexuals in Harlem Cycle


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Chester Himes’ Harlem Cycle transforms traditional hard-boiled detective fiction through the racial subversion of criminality and the vocational modification of the primary investigative agent. However, despite Himes’ intent to produce a substantially different kind of hard-boiled detective fiction, Harlem Cycle inherits the convention of punishment upon femme fatales and male homosexuals from the traditions of hard-boiled detective fiction. Although Harlem Cycle condemns racial inequality and oppression, it punishes Black femme fatales and Black homosexual men. This paper examines the representation of Black femme fatales and Black homosexual men and their punishment in Harlem Cycle. Black femme fatales are represented as sexually attractive and morally corrupt. Thus, they are deemed threatening to the security of the Black family and home and severely punished. The Black homosexual men in Harlem Cycle are represented not in terms of sexual desire but of criminality, and their harsh treatment is justified because of their villainy. This paper interprets this punishment of Black femme fatales and Black homosexual men as Himes’ attempt to subdue the racial discontent of the Black community by converting their anger ignited by racism into hostility towards women and sexual minorities.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 하드보일드 추리소설의 성정치학
Ⅲ. 팜므파탈의 재현과 처벌
Ⅳ. 남성 동성애자 재현과 응징
Ⅴ. 나가는 말


  • 계정민 Joengmeen Gye. 계명대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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