

Which Agent is More Captivating for Winning the Users’ Hearts? : Focusing on Paralanguage Voice and Human-like Face Agent


SeoYoung Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper delves into the comparative analysis of human interactions with AI agents based on the presence or absence of a facial representation, combined with the presence or absence of paralanguage voice elements. The “CASA (Computer-Are-Social-Actors)” paradigm posits that people perceive computers as social actors, not tools, unconsciously applying human norms and behaviors to computers. Paralanguages are speech voice elements such as pitch, tone, stress, pause, duration, speed that help to convey what a speaker is trying to communicate. The focus is on understanding how these elements collectively contribute to the generation of flow, intimacy, trust, and interactional enjoyment within the user experience. Subsequently, this study uses PLS analysis to explore the connections among all variables within the research framework. This paper has academic and practical implications.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literature Review
2.1. CASA Paradigm
2.2. Anthropomorphism (Anthropomorphic Properties)
2.3. Trust
2.4. Intimacy
2.5. Interactional Enjoyment
2.6. User Satisfaction
2.7. Intention to Use
Ⅲ. Method
3.1. Participants and Procedure
3.2. Research Model and Hypotheses
3.3. Data Processing
3.4. Measurement
Ⅳ. Results
4.1. Study 1.
4.2. Study 2: Structural Modeling
Ⅴ. Discussions and Conclusion
5.1. Study 1: Effects of Agent Face Exposure and Voice Type on User Satisfaction
5.2. Study 2: Hypothesis Tests and Results
5.3. Implications and Conclusion


  • SeoYoung Lee Professor, DongYang University, NorthSeoul Campus, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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