

중국인 고급 학습자의 한국어 단모음 발음 오류 연구


A study on the pronunciation errors of Korean monophthongs by advanced Chinese Korean learners

유영영, 후가녕

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study analyzed the pronunciation errors of Korean monophthongs among Chinese learners by measuring and comparing the monophthong pronunciation, particularly the monophthong formants, of five advanced Korean learners in China and five native Korean speakers, using an experimental phonetic method. The results showed that even advanced Korean learners in China made numerous errors in the pronunciation of Korean monophthongs. The most common errors were observed with ㅗ/o/, and errors also occurred frequently with ㅓ/ə/, ㅜ/u/, ㅣ/i/, and ㅐ/ɛ/. ㅏ/a/ and ㅡ/ɯ/ were the least error-prone vowels, while the degree of bias for ㅔ/e/ was also relatively low. By comparing the Chinese speakers' pronunciation of Korean monophthongs with their pronunciation of Chinese monophthongs, it was evident that errors occurred due to the influence of their native language. Therefore, customized corrections should be implemented for Korean monophthongs that are prone to errors. It is essential for teachers to assist Chinese learners in recognizing correct articulation positions and rectifying pronunciation errors, especially when the pronunciation resembles Chinese monophthongs but differs in terms of vowel height and backness.


1. 서론
2. 실험 방법
2.1. 피험자
2.2. 실험 자료
2.3 실험 절차
3. 실험 결과
3.1 한·중 단모음의 음성음운론적 대조
3.2. 중국인 학습자의 한국어 단모음 발음 양상
4. 교정 방안
5. 결론


  • 유영영 Rongrong Liu. 산동대학교 한국어학과, 부교수
  • 후가녕 Jianing Hou. 산동대학교 한국어학과, 대학생


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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