

Original Article

대구 지역약사 마약류 중독 예방 활동 참여 현황과 인식 : 마중약국 경험을 중심으로


Participation and Awareness of Community Pharmacists in Daegu Regarding Prevention Activities for Narcotics Addiction : Focused on the Majung Pharmacy Activities

이인향, 이향이, 권진원

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background: This study aimed to explore the current activities of pharmacists in local pharmacies for preventing narcotics addiction, identify areas for improvement, and support initiatives to enhance and expand the activities of “narcotics addiction prevention counseling pharmacies” (hereinafter referred to as “Majung Pharmacies”). Methods: Surveys were conducted targeting local community pharmacists participating in the Majung Pharmacy activities in Daegu. Results: Out of 42 pharmacists who registered in the Majung Pharmacy movement in 2021, 41 responded (response rate of 98%). After excluding three participants who met the exclusion criteria, data from 38 participants were analyzed. The participating pharmacists were generally well aware of the conditions for pharmacists to serve as “accessible experts” in the forefront of drug addiction prevention. It was observed that the activities of Majung Pharmacies, particularly among highly engaged pharmacists, led to positive effects such as an increased focus on medication counseling for psychotropic drugs, thereby enhancing their professionalism. However, a significant number of participants also expressed negative opinions. Factors such as enthusiasm for professional activities and perceptions of the pharmacist’s social role were important in shaping perceptions of Majung Pharmacy activities, whether positively or negatively. Additionally, this study underlined that pharmacists in practice are highly aware of the seriousness of issues arising from the use of narcotics by prescriptions. Conclusion: Suggestions were outlined for both short-term and long-term strategies aimed at ensuring the stable growth and expansion of Majung Pharmacy initiatives.


연구 방법
연구 설계
연구대상자 선정기준
자료의 수집
자료의 분석
연구 결과
연구참여자 기본정보
마중약국 활동 현황
마중약국 활동 참여 동기
마중약국 활동에 대한 인식
마중약국 활동의 필요성
마중약국 지원 필요 사항에 대한 의견
마중 약국 활동가 및 관련 정책에 대한 제언
감사의 말씀
이해 상충


  • 이인향 Iyn-Hyang Lee. 영남대학교 약학대학
  • 이향이 Hyang-Yi Lee. 한국마약퇴치운동본부 대구지부
  • 권진원 Jin-Won Kwon. 경북대학교 약학대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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