



The impact of artificial intelligence on the Go level examination



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article explores the application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in Go level examinations and its impact on Go education and evaluation systems. With the advancement of science and technology, especially the rapid development of AI technology, Go, as an ancient strategic game, has experienced revolutionary changes in its competitive scenes and learning methods. After AlphaGo defeated world Go champion Lee Sedol in 2016, the application of AI in the field of Go received widespread attention. AI has not only demonstrated capabilities beyond humans in high-level Go games, but has also played an increasingly important role in Go teaching and training. The global spread of the COVID-19 epidemic has forced Go level examinations to find new ways to adapt. The Go online intelligent test came into being, providing a new, efficient and objective assessment method. Although the introduction of online intelligent examinations has brought convenience, it has also raised issues in organizational structure adjustment, revenue distribution, and examination fairness. Challenges faced by the Go online intelligence examination in terms of fairness, including lack of face-to-face supervision, possible cheating, etc., pose new challenges to the fairness and authority of the Go level examination. This article compares the differences between intelligent Go exams and traditional exams, including assessment format, exam content and passing rate. The online intelligent examination has added test questions and raised the requirements for candidates’ computing power. It also shows a higher passing rate than traditional methods. However, the authenticity and fairness of online intelligent examinations have been challenged, including the adaptability of AI game difficulty and the lack of examination supervision, leading to the emergence of cheating. The positive impacts of implementing online smart exams include improving the convenience and efficiency of exams, simplifying event organization, and promoting the development of Go players’ skills. But at the same time, this new form has had an impact on the original Go organizational structure and benefit distribution, causing concerns and adjustments from local associations. In order to solve these problems, this article puts forward a series of suggestions, including setting up a supervision mechanism for intelligent examinations, optimizing the assessment system, and adjusting the revenue distribution ratio to ensure the long-term sustainable development of online intelligent examinations. In summary, the use of artificial intelligence in Go level examinations not only reflects the persistence of the interaction between technology and traditional cultural activities, but also poses ongoing challenges to the fairness and validity of education and assessment methods. By deeply understanding these impacts and taking corresponding countermeasures, we can find a balance between innovation and tradition, and provide support for the development of Go education and evaluation systems.


1. 引言
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究的必要性
2. 智能围棋考试与传统考试的区别
2.1 考核形式的区别
2.2 考试内容的区别
2.3 考试通过率的区别
3. 线上智能考试的实际影响
3.1 线上智能考试实施的积极影响
3.2 线上智能考试成绩的真实性与公平性
3.3 对地方协会的收益影响
4. 建议
4.1 设置智能考试的监督机制
4.2 优化智能考试的考核体系
4.3 调整智能考试的收益比例
5. 总结


  • 赵天晨 조천신. 明知大学,韩国,Myongji University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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