


목재해부학에 의한 목재 수종 비교


Comparison of Wood through Wood Anatomy

이준배, 조윤진, 안대준, 고정아, 이서현, 김혜영, 서문수철, 박치현, 박우용, 김유나

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Wood is a tissue produced by the hypertrophic growth of the cambium in woody plants. Along the mesh's holes in the cambium at the transverse section, nutrients and moisture pass through in the longitudinal direction. At the radial section, which is a cross-section along the radial direction, the pit structure acts as a passage for the horizontal movement of nutrients and moisture to adjacent tissues. This structure varies in shape with different species and could be used as a tool for the identification of wood. This study investigates the identification of carbonized wood found in a damaged vehicle and that obtained near a fireside by observing their pit structure with an electron microscope. After washing and drying the two carbonized samples and subsequently observing them with an electron microscope, the similarity in their pit structures was evident. This similarity suggests that the two samples belong to the same species. Typically, identifying wood species requires a significant amount of time and labor for sample pretreatment. Overcoming these challenges, a method using an electron microscope could identify the species through carbonized wood.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 실험 방법
1. 표준 목재시료
2. 시료제조 및 분석장비
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
1. 활엽수의 전자현미경 영상
2. 침엽수의 전자현미경 영상
3. 감정물에 대한 고찰
Ⅳ. 결론
Ⅴ. 참고문헌


  • 이준배 Joon-Bae Lee. 서울과학수사연구소 화학분석과 감정관
  • 조윤진 Yoon-Jin Cho. 서울과학수사연구소 화학분석과 감정관
  • 안대준 Dae Jun Ahn. 대구과학수사연구소 독성화학과 감정관
  • 고정아 Jung-A Go. 부산과학수사연구소 독성화학과 감정관,
  • 이서현 Seo Hyun Lee. 연세대학교 화학과 대학원생
  • 김혜영 Hyeyoung Kim. 경기남부경찰청 수사부 과학수사과 수사관
  • 서문수철 Sucheol Seomoon. 경기남부경찰청 수사부 과학수사과 수사관
  • 박치현 Chihyun Park. 국립과학수사연구원 화학과 감정관
  • 박우용 Wooyong Park. 국립과학수사연구원 화학과 감정관
  • 김유나 Yuna Kim. 국립과학수사연구원 화학과 감정관


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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