

Development of Forest Fuel Classification System Fuel Characteristics in Forest Analysis



Fuel structure is one of the major determinants in predicting the forest fire danger rating because it is a major factor in forest fire intensity and behavior. This study was conducted to the establishment of a fuel classification system by researching the fuel characteristics in a total of 12 study sites in Gangwon province, South Korea. There were two study sites in Yeongseo, and 10 study sites were in Yeongdong. We researched the fuel amount (kg/m2) separately in the study site by fuel structure in the forest. The fuel structure was divided into three types: surface layer (Duff, Litter, Twigs), shrub layer (the height of less than 2m), and crown layer (the height of 2m or more). As a result of this study, the fuel classification of 12 study sites was divided into three class by the K-means algorithm (Class Ⅰ: Chuncheon 1, Chuncheon 2, and Dogye-eup 1; Class Ⅱ: Jeo-dong 1, Jeo-dong 2, Yucheon-dong 1, Yucheon-dong 4, and Yucheon-dong 5; Class Ⅲ: Yucheon-dong 2, and Yucheon-dong 3).


  • Chan-Jin Lim Department of Forestry and Environmental Systems, Kangwon National University
  • Song-Hee Han Department of Forestry and Environmental Systems, Kangwon National University
  • Hee-Mun Chae Department of Forest Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 24341, Republic of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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