North Sumatra is one of Indonesia's provinces with the largest forest area. This area is a place for growing several plants such as incense toba (Styrax sumatrana), durame (Styrax benzoin Dryan), bulu (Styrax benzoine var. Hiliferum), raru dahanon (Cotylelobium lanceolatum), pulut (Cotylelobium melanoxylon), songal (Vatica pauciflora), and simalambuo (Loppopethalum beccarianum Pierre). The distribution of all species studied covers the areas of North Tapanuli (for frankincense plant), Central Tapanuli (for raru plant), and Nias Island (for simalambuo plant) of North Sumatra Province. This study shows the characteristics of the wood's basic properties, including physical, mechanical, chemical, and durability properties. The results of the study showed that three types of frankincense wood had specific gravity values (0.43-0.62), MOE (77,685-85,900 kg/cm2), MOR (637-770 kg/cm2), and hardness (391-599 kg/cm2). Based on the strength and durability class, the three types of frankincense wood are in categories III-IV and V. Furthermore, three types of raru wood were identified as having specific gravity values (0.84-0.90), MOE (245,619-308,319 kg/cm2) and MOR (754-1979 kg/cm2). Meanwhile, the content of cellulose, lignin, and extractives ranged from 41.88-42.95%, 19.39-23.24%, 24.76-30.11%, and 10.58-28.60%. Next, simalambuo wood has a specific gravity value (0.44), MOE (152,829 kg/cm2), MOR (391 kg/cm2), and hardness (237 kg/cm2). Meanwhile, the content of cellulose, lignin, and extractives ranged from 42.11%, 45.52%, and 3.35%, respectively.