

Assessment and spatial management of urban ecosystems where wildlife and citizens live together



Animals evolve in their own way, adapting to cities, changing body shapes, and mutating genes. Swallows' wings shorten resulting in fewer deaths due to car hitting, city moths avoid light, and city spiders grow in size due to the heat island phenomenon. The maintenance of urban ecosystems in which wild animals and citizens live together affects biodiversity and sustainability. Meanwhile, a solution based on nature is discussed by the international community to solve complex urban problems and increase the sustainability of cities, which is one of the sustainability goals. Up to now, urban management in Korea has been achieved by establishing and implementing a plan based on a statutory plan. In the case of cities, there is a lack of urban space management plans due to the lack of survey data on wild animals and the decrease in the population of the future society. As a non-growth-oriented management method for coexistence, we structured the spatial evaluation and management system based on collecting wild animals living in urban ecosystems and building a database. Based on the existing city information, the health/vulnerability of the city was evaluated, and the construction of urban species survey data according to new research techniques, such as unmanned cameras and eDNA, and an urban space management plan linking information were proposed.


  • Chan Park Dept. of Landscape Architecture, University of Seoul
  • Su-Ryeon Kim Dept. of Urban Planning & Design, College of Urban Science, University of Seoul
  • Jae-Yeon Choi Dept. of Landscape Architecture, University of Seoul
  • Aida Ayano Dept. of Landscape Architecture, University of Seoul
  • Min-Kyun Cho Dept. of Landscape Architecture, University of Seoul
  • So-Min Park Dept. of Landscape Architecture, University of Seoul


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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